
SHARON – BossLady Tour

The Israeli rapper & songwriter was born in September 1997 and is based in Germany, where she grew up with her parents and two older siblings.

Discovering her love for music at a young age, Sharon grew up listening to various Genres. Though RnB/Soul, Funk, Latin and even Rock tracks are on her playlist, Rap music is and has always been her first love & tool of expression. The Pforzheimer Rapper, who‘s originally form Tel Aviv, writes and produces her songs with great passion.

The sound of her music and her self-written lyrics are mostly inspired and influenced by 80s and 90s Hip Hop music. With her love for the Genre, the young MC brings together her rap skills with old-school vibes.

The 26-year-old queer-feminist stands for her own sound as well as for (self-)empowerment, realness & self-love.


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Freut euch auf feinsten RnB der mit Soul vermischt ist✨ Mit einer einzigartigen Verschmelzung von R&B und afrikanischen Einflüssen verzaubert, Wonuola (@iam.wonuola) ihr Publikum auf eine unvergleichliche Weise. Sie scheut sich nicht davor, offen mit ihren Gefühlen umzugehen und lässt ihre Zuhörer an ihrem innersten Kern teilhaben. See for yourself, and be be swept away